In 2010, The Guarantee Scholars Program accepted its first cohort of Guarantee Scholars and has since supported nearly 300 Guarantee Scholars as they found their way here at UNCG Greensboro.

Today the program is led by one of its former scholars, Melissa Lore. The program continues to grow and evolve the ways it supports its students to success through gaining regular feedback from the participants and coupling that with best practices, research, and partnerships with departments across campus. With the support of the generous supporters of the UNC Greensboro community, this program is able to retain and graduate its scholars at a remarkable rate.


1 Year Retention


4-Year Graduation

Our mission is to provide access to a world-class education, holistic developmental opportunities, and systems of support through a vibrant community of engaged individuals.

Our vision is to develop scholars of diverse thought, who seek growth in leadership, intercultural knowledge, and civic engagement to enhance self-awareness and a sense of purpose which promote personal, academic, and professional success in their community and beyond.

The Guarantee Program is one of many communities on this campus that students have an opportunity to be a part of as a Spartan. We strive to be a community that contributes to the experiences of all Spartans through our value-based leadership. Below you will find the values that we practice:


It is the responsibility of scholars and staff, alike, to develop mutually respectful relationships among cohorts, peers, faculty, and campus and community partners to ensure our community network is vibrant and thriving. 


“To be rather than to seem”- Our State Motto. Making value-based decisions, informed by critical reflection, allow authentic contributions to our community and congruence between goals and behaviors.


To face obstacles and stay committed to success, personally, academically, and professionally, requires a collective responsibility for the growth and support of the community. 


The duty of a diverse community is to ensure that all perspectives are given equal consideration when constructing our view of the world. 


The ability to openly state goals, objectives, downfalls, and triumphs, allow for the development of trust, clear accountability and informed innovation. 

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